Conversion Copywriting, What is It?

Why we talk about conversion copywriting when good copywriting should be enough to convert?

Copywriting is the art of persuading by using captivating craft language.

In this respect, it should convert the traffic coming from leads into sales by definition.  We should not speak about “conversion copywriting” because good copywriting generates business by itself.

Lately, however, this new definition is plastering all over the net like it is a specif type of copywriting.  This article is about what Conversion Copywriting is and why it is becoming more critical than ever.

As digital is taking the old marketing model by storm now that online sales have become the norm over the high street purchases, a copywriting that converts online traffic into money gives this craft commercial writing a new dimension.

Therefore what does conversion copywriting mean? Well, it specifies some aspects, mainly it helps to highlight the benefits of your brand better.


Persuasion; how it works.

As persuasion only works if it is well-supported by facts, your audience needs not just a message that is a good craft and in tune with them but convincing evidence that you can give them what you promise in your advert.

The online advertisement works just by reassuring your readers that what you say are not just lovely slogans. As competition is fierce and the market nearly saturated, emerging from an increasingly noisy crowd requires more than just words out of a contest.

Establishing your authority:

Conversion copywriting works when you establish your authority.

People are always looking for leaders, experts, competent people; therefore, your first step should be establishing yourself as such. Therefore if you claim you run the best spa in the city, people expect you  to have:

·      A renowned, elegant outlet in the middle of a busy shopping centre.

·      Articles and reviews that praise your business.

·      Possibly influencers or V.I.P that are regularly coming to you for treatment.

·      A website listing all your services, testimonials and a blog full of advice.

·      The best staff in charge for different services.

This is ideally what a beauty salon or spa should be presented for being an authority.

However, even if you do not have a big outlet, you can be recognised as one of the best spas in town as long as you give your readers a reason to come to you.

People who are searching in Google are looking for a reason to choose certain professionals.

If you write an advertisement that says “ Best Beauty Salon in Town” this doesn’t say anything about whether you are really the best in town and you can potentially crash against the above big, famous salon.

However what about this: Awarded Beauty Salon in London

In this advert, the beauty salon is worth considering because it gained an award; therefore, this automatically placed the salon in the top list of the best places in London as it has been recognised as such.

Another way to establish your authority is to have articles that praise your business and highlight the quality of your services.

Conversion copywriting works when it gives the reader a reason that validates what it says you do, not just words but proof of your value in the real world.



Persuading through copy that converts the audience into loyal customers should be engaging and listening, feeding your marketing strategy with plenty of feedback from your readers and leads.

The more you know about your customer’s base, the better and, as the audience could constantly change, you need to know where they are at any stage of their buyer journey. The best way is to ask them and try to understand at which point are they in their buyer journey; awareness, consideration, decision. Only when you have a clear and detailed knowledge of their emotional needs you can be even more persuading because you have their profile.

To engage with your audience, distribute your content through social media and use poll and market research to taste the water of your market. Keep them engaged through your Facebook page, Instagram or any other channel. The use of photos, videos, texts should be carefully considered according to your demographic parameters. Do your research carefully, but always remember your primary goals and who you are talking to. The questions are mainly two: what do you want to achieve/ what is your call to action and who is your audience.


Be Specific.

As consumers are looking increasingly for information abundant on the internet, a discerning and attentive audience is becoming more and more sophisticated in their search for the perfect product and service.

The more you give details of what you do and for whom you are working for the better.

It is not a case that working for a specific niche is the secret of their success for many small and medium businesses.

Defining what you do is a fantastic way to attract the right clients, the ones that are already looking for you.

In most cases, you don’t need everybody but just the right client, but even if your product or service satisfies a vast and variegate audience, you can always narrow down many consumers by giving them what your craft is.

 For instance, a digital marketer satisfies all sorts of businesses because almost every business needs an online strategy. Even in this case, you can be specific.

Which of these adverts are more persuasive:

Digital marketing strategy to grow your sales

Increase your sales by 30%  a month with our digital strategy.

The second ad gives an idea of a result you can achieve by applying the method in the advert.

If you can give your readers figures and specific goals they can achieve with your products and solutions, you will be more likely to convince them that what you have in store is achievable and aligned with their goals.

A message that converts is all about triggering the audience to take the action you want them to take so that giving them practical examples, figures, and specific targets would persuade them in the right direction.

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Social Proof:

Validating your service by re-creating a virtual worth of mouth is the third ingredient that you should implement in your copy to converts the traffic into generating income.

Here it is testimonials and positive reviews that re-inforces your authority and build up your reputation.  Your audience wants to find whether or not their expectations are reflected in other people’s experiences.  The better you are known, the more people will trust you. Reviews, articles, testimonials, interviews should be everywhere on the internet.

The Technical Aspects of Conversion Copywriting

Whenever you want to use your copy to achieve a specific goal, there are some elements in your message where people are invited to take specific actions such as:

  • Make a call

  • Clicking on “buy now.”

  • Subscribe newsletter

  • Filling a form

  • Download an ebook

  • Leave an email address

  • Watch a video

  • Add something into the basket

  • Sharing on social media.

These are technically the conversion aspects of your copywriting, and for each of them, you need the power of your copy and few persuading words.

Avoid the word “click” that Google can disregard as spam; to make the button inviting, you need to find a persuading word.

Consider some exciting ways using graphics and words “Smarter way to do SEO- “discover more”. Also words like “Free” and “Try”  are very effective if use in the right context.

5 ways to increase your traffic on your Facebook Ads for free. Try now”.

Get xyz when you  download this ebook.”

“Get this now! The offer expires in 10 hours!

“Yes! I want this!! Call now!”


To get people into taking this action, you need to know exactly your why and invite them to do the action when they are ready to do it.

It involves a lot of carefully searching your market, your product and your audience, implementing every step of the buyer journey with precisely what is right, what they want to know at every single point of their journey.

A conversion copywriter maps all the steps, knows the buyer, the product and the brand, gives the brand the authority it deserves where all those elements are taking into the conversation, and makes the copy a persuading one.


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