Spec Ad

Landing page for Cheetos College Contest

The Project

Design a landing page to invite young students to enter a contest where in exchange for their email address they can win a regular supply of Cheetos that will last throughout their college years.

The Brand

Cheetos is a well-known and popular US snack brand among young people and teenagers. They know the product already, so we don’t have to introduce the snack to them.

The Audience

College students, aged between 18 and 22 years. For this demographic, snacks are a comfort food, and one that accompanies the best moments of their time at college.

Tone of Voice

Friendly, fun, exciting, promotional.

Benefit for the Students

If they win the contest, they won’t have to buy any more snacks for the rest of their college years, saving lots of money, and they will enjoy a lot of snacks!

My Interpretation

I designed a simple landing page where the only call to action was to fill in the details box to enter the contest. I highlighted the benefit of having a supply of Cheetos for all their years at college for free.

I commissioned a graphic designer for this work so that my words were enhanced by a professional and attractive design using classical Cheetos colours.

This was a spec advert and was not commissioned by Cheetos.

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