Spec Ad

Life Coaching Website

Content copywriting

The Project

This is a fictional homepage for a life coaching business. The project consists of a service presentation to promote the life coaching practice. The homepage functions as an introduction to the website.

Adults aged between 25 and 60 years, professional people who are seeking solutions to overcome obstacles and particularly difficult challenges in their working life, relationships, or in accomplishing a specific goal. This appeals in particular to people who find themselves stuck or at the end of a very difficult period with no solutions.

The audience

A detailed plan that tackles the problem by identifying the issues involved and sets out steps that can be taken to overcome them.

Benefit for the client

My interpretation

I started by highlighting the pains the prospective client encounters in different scenarios. The aim was to let the reader identify himself/herself and address problems through different solutions.

I then aligned the fictional practitioner with the reader’s issues by showing she had been in the same situations and was able to overcome them. Now, she can help people struggling with the same challenges.

I then offered a method and customised plan based on consider the person and his/her background, offering a path to deal with these challenges.

Brand Voice

Friendly, empathetic, personal, and introspective.


To contact the practitioner and have a session to start a recovery journey.

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