The About Page is not about you.

Writing a good About page could be a pretty daunting task, but if you know what to write and how to write it, you can do it without going through this stress, have fun, and the page alone can sell your brand.

The page aims to persuade readers that you offer the right solution to satisfy their requirements and needs. Readers want to find out in your biography, in your experience and skills, what you can do for them. Therefore your story is important as long as they find elements that show why they should buy from you. The secret is to infuse your brand with trust from start to finish, making them want to read and discover more. The About Page is all about writing compelling copy using the best strategy and subject lines.

So, the secret to writing a compelling About Me Page is to think about what is in your story that can be useful, inspirational, or even resolutive for your readers, something they can take away from themselves. Therefore it is about you, but mostly about your audience.

Give your readers the chance to visualise their journey through your story. Once they identify with you, they will establish a powerful bond with your brand. Remember, today, consumers want not just to buy products but to buy the person behind the product.

Essentially, you write this page to build up trust by letting your readers know:

·       Your core values.

·       Your brand’s story ( how did you start and how you evolved )

·       What distinguish you from the competition

·       Explain who your products is for.

·       Proof that you are the best person to work with.

·       What your customers say about you (testimonials).

It is an effective mission statement that follows a strategy to persuade the readers to become your customers.

The strategy creates a bond with your readers in every paragraph by aligning your story with their stories. They need to feel they can relate with you.

People are curious about what is behind a product or service, the people who created the brand, and what it takes. If you can tell your story like a…story rather than a company report, that will add even more value to that special relationship that is the aim of your writing.

An About Page for your company:

If you are writing an about page for a company, apply the same method. Tell the story of your brand and the values you want to promote. You can add a chronological summary of your story through your company’s achievements.

As a company, it is advisable to introduce the About page with a mission statement and take the opportunity to showcase your team. Talk about your shared values and your commitment as a team, and show photos, fun events and moments of achievements. If you are a small company, introduce your employees one by one.

The principle of consistently building a bond based on the emotional reasons that move your readers to look for your specific solutions must still be at the core of your strategy.


Style and language:

Always think about your audience, not only what they want but how they speak and use the same tone and style.

Talk to your audience like you are talking to your friend; prioritise clarity and keep a simple but captivating language. Use a lively tone to keep them interested and some cliff edge to trigger a  surprise factor. It is done to your service/product and audience, but the secret is to entice your reader to keep reading. Use a storytelling method to write an effective About Page.

You don’t need to write too much but not even too little. You can put two paragraphs in total but make sure in these two paragraphs your readers will find all they need to satisfy them and persuade them to work with you.

Use Testimonials:

Here is the right page where testimonials will do the job! A social proof that your brand is so good, it is to make others tell your prospective customers that this is what they are looking for. Gather past and present testimonials of happy customers that explain how your products have helped them to change their life for the better or show how their life was vastly improved using your product. Find a unique angle on your product/services' difference in their life.

Testimonials are a great way to validate your brand, so don’t forget to add them to the page. Some people have an About page where the testimonials do the job for them.

Use a Call to Action:

Once you have written about yourself, what do you want your readers to do? Invite them to take the action you want which could be:

Read more (invite them to read about your company even more)

Contact a sales representative

Contact us.

…You decide but don’t forget a call to action.

In any case, this page should be followed by the contact page with all your contacts by email and telephone and even a form to fill in, if you want to invite them to leave more details about themselves.

Summary on how to write an awesome About Page.

·       What do you do

·       Who do you serve

·       Your core values

·       Your company history (how did you start and what prompted you to set up the company)

·       Why your prospective clients should choose you instead of your competitors.

·       Testimonials.

Writing great copy on your website is very important, but the About Page is one of the most relevant pages your readers won’t miss.  Get it right! And if you feel you need help, just contact me, and I’ll be able to help you.


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