Why copywriting is the glue of your marketing strategy

Copywriting is a very particular writing technique used to persuade consumers to buy certain products/services.  Copywriters create commercial and marketing material compass from emails, advertisements, promotional videos, content for websites, sales letters, and many other marketing kinds of literature.

It is not intended to be a method to convince consumers with tricky or pushy ways to buy dodgy products that consumers either do not need or will not like once they have made their purchases.

It is the art of helping consumers find products and services that improve their life.

Writing copy is putting consumers in touch with businesses that have the solution to their needs and desires by connecting them as they are the perfect match.

Copywriters work for virtually every industry and company and not just the big ones that advertise through television but also for solopreneurs and small/ medium businesses.

Every company needs the right message to get known and to generate profits. How you communicate with your prospects is crucial in conveying these prospects to consumers who will generate profits. The photos and the images are a great way of communicating as long as the right words follow them.

Copywriting is unique writing that requires specific techniques focused on some peculiar aspects: identifying the business brand voice, knowing the feature and the benefits of the product, and the knowledge of the audience for which you will write and can benefit from that.

In fact, the secret of selling is not shouting at anybody how amazing the product is, but it is communicating to those who might need that particular product. You do not want to place an advert or pop an email to the wrong consumer who in turn not only will never buy the product but could also develop a deep aversion for the company responsible for dropping an unwanted email in his inbox.

Addressing the target audience and writing with their voice is therefore crucial. If you write for “at home” mums, the “tone” and “voice” will be very different from the one for financial advisors.

The audience is the current customers and the new prospects who will hopefully be interested in buying the product/service. The secret is to know which problem/need they have and how the product would help them to solve it.

Writing copy is a crucial part of your digital marketing too included your SEO, because copywriting is the glue to your digital marketing elements. A story that can leverage your product merits to the right consumers would sell over and over again.

That is why it is crucial to rely upon professional copywriters; they can do wonders in selling your products/services to an audience that would love them.

Looking for a London-based conversion copywriter? Look no further. Contact me now.



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