5 great copy

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Learn copywriting through 5 great examples.

Every article, video, or text aiming to persuade consumers to buy from them, should be written in a way that does not imply selling but giving a reason or responds to a desire or a need, and this is what copywriting is all about; it is the art of fine writing for commercial purposes that persuades the consumer without giving him the feeling of selling. All product descriptions, advertisements, videos, and promotional marketing require exceptional written copy that moves, matches expectations, and makes people craving those products/Services. No one wants to be sold cheaply; all we want is to be flattered, amused, convinced that the items advertised respond to the emotional needs/desires we have. The purchases need to add value in changing the buyer's life positively.  Therefore copywriting is a fine art in crafting words to make the purchasing experience an exclusive act of love for ourselves, most than anything else.

Copywriting is everywhere nowadays; the email that drops in the inbox, the ads on the side of the scroll-down bar, and the pop-up that appears when you click on a website, videos, posts, letters, and sale letters are everywhere. Even content writing, which its porpoises is educational, in reality, is another sophisticated form of copywriting.

As content is the king of digital marketing, the glue that conveys all the elements in your internet marketing strategy, how can you learn to write copy like a pro? How can you distinguish a great piece of fine copywriting in an ocean of advertisements?

The 5 examples below show what well-written copy is all about:

Tail. Com: personalized experience.

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An excellent ad for this dog food company that have the necessary ingredients for copy that sells:

Customer tailored; First, it shows that any dog is unique, personalized the buying experience to a tailored food for your dog's needs—more than 1 million combinations of ingredients to choose from. The buyer has a set of food choices for puppies, petit, medium, big dogs; tailor-made food also includes digestion problems and other ailments.  The advert is fresh, lot of happy dogs and happy owners. They show how the food is delivered hint at the company's USP, which sells online directly to customers. It provides the viewer with an incentive by giving a generous 50% discount over the first purchase. The final cta also invites the prospective buyer to contact the company and "tell-all about” their dog encouraging to build up interaction between the company and its users.


Alpro Almond Packaging; how to incorporate your ethical vision in your commercial advert.

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It is a straightforward and well clear message: an environmentally conscious company that wants to catch the attention of sensible people promoting a green achievement: a package 100% recyclable and 89% of the material is plant-based. This message is very well graphically expressed and get the attention of the consumer.

The product appeals to vegans and whoever wants a better and healthier diet. This audience is the most sensible to the environmental cause. In enhancing the company's commitment to the global warming debate, chances to appeal to this particular audience would increase significantly.

This is an example of a copy that chooses a particular audience by giving the consumer ethical reasons to buy the product.  So, the consumer has the benefits in terms of healthy diet and quality of food and has a particular reason why it would be crucial to buy this product over its competitors. The tone is direct, simple, and it does the trick.


Babble Languages: start speaking a language right away.  


No fussy, very straight forward I love Babble, not only because I have the app and I know how it works, but also because the website is very easy to navigate and invites the user to take action straight away.

Babble is a very good example of how to display the benefits of a product without falling into complicated explanations.  What does the user want to achieve? To speak a language and have a conversation. What does he need? Scheduled lessons, review exercises, and results.

It does show what copywriting should be: to describe the benefits that a specific product could bring if the consumer takes certain actions.  To get a flair of the benefits, the consumer will get a certain freebie, like trying the app for free for 1 week.

After describing the benefits, Babble provides a brief explanation of its method keeping the benefits and the features of the app separated but connected.  Many times I find copies that confuse benefits and features, giving a mixed message to the customer: yes, I can be very impressed by the ingredients or the characteristics of an item, but if I don't know what to do with that, why should I buy it? Keep it simple, rooted to the benefits, always describe product details when they validate the benefits with a quick lead magnet to prompt action.


Octopus Energy: make your testimonials speak for you.

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Octopus energy is the youngest among UK energy companies and wants to challenge the big 6  with a revolutionary formula: all the energy supplied is from renewable sources.

Right from the start, the website asks you for your postcode to give you an estimated price and later you can give your email for a more detailed estimate: mine arrived in less than 5 minutes in my inbox. This is great as you want to keep your prospective customer on it, and a prompt reply will keep the attention high.

Just immediately below the postcode box, you have the feedback about the company given by authoritative bodies and consumer magazines, all extremely positive. Now, testimonials are a great way to make the prospective buyer get to know you through your clients and whatever work you have done featured in magazines and articles. : therefore, don't be shy and use them, ask for testimonials, show your awards abundantly. People love reading reviews and getting to know a company from those who have used it or still use the company's services validated the business's reputation.

The next great quality I have noticed about this website is its simplicity in how they have designed it and how they have explained complicated stuff like their energy packages. They give people a very straightforward process to switch companies.  After all, what not to love about this company: three basic questions answered in the first page without clicking anywhere else: USP, available packages, and how to switch, plus great reviews.   

There is nothing fascinating about utilities, they are not outfits or cars, but somehow this company has managed to make the conversation about the energy bill simple, engaging, and pleasant.


Product descriptions; how to write compelling copy that sells.

Product descriptions are a very important part of the copywriter job, and this type of copy is pivotal in persuading consumers to buy the items described. It is essential to know the audience, and the tone should be adjusted to the ideal buyer.  Product descriptions can be frankly dull and can put off the potential buyer the copy is not sufficiently compelling and engaging.  To avoid this outcome, please avoid saying the obvious; for instance, don't describe the porpoise fo shoes; we all know what they do. The magic formula to nail a description that sells is always to respond a desire or a need, offering a solution and get the prospective buyer to feel he needs exactly that item/service.

A great example is this shoes' description, which is rich in details, explaining the features of the product without using superlative or very common adjectives. The product talks on its own.


Product descriptions are excellent examples of copywriting because the copy can be written using different writing techniques and highlight whatever aspect is important from the company's perspective.

Graphic designs place great importance in attracting the attention of the reader. A good example of copy completed with a beautiful image is this:


Whatever business you are in, a good copy would ensure your product will stand out as unique and superior against your competitors. Make sure to write a compelling and persuasive message that communicates well the benefits of your service/product to an audience that specifically is looking for items/services that satisfy its needs or the urgency to have those products.

If you need help in getting your message across I can help to craft your copy with all the ingredients that your product needs to impress your audience. I would study your product thoroughly, understanding the features and extrapolating the benefits you need to communicate to your audience.

If you think that you need a professional in digital marketing, the impact of SEO, and the position of your website in today's super-crowded marketplace, I can help you to develop strategies and targets.


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